F.X Escarmís



Farville is a sciencie-fiction series that I published in the Le Potage magazine between 2007 and 2009. It is the longest series I've done so far, with 53 pages. Tells the story of Kot Esmit, a rhino-shaped policeman from the Earth, who exiles himself to the remote village of Farville at Confinus, a planet at the edge of the galaxy. There he hopes to find the peace of mind he was unable to find in New New York. But in reality things will happen in another way, when he meets the demon Janus, also from the Earth ...

Done in pencil and ink, with patterns made ??by computer.

Updated: 19/05/2011 - 20.19h.

design, programming and content: F.X Escarmís | domain and hosting: Clickart
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